In Magento 2 Advanced Commission Marketplace, the admin can apply commission in six ways:
- Global Commission Rate– This commission will be applicable for all the marketplace sellers. Admin can apply global commission rate under Stores->Configuration->Marketplace->General Settings.
- Per Category Commission– The admin can apply commission for a particular category by navigating through Stores->Configuration->Marketplace Advanced Commission->General Settings.
- Per Product Commission– The admin can apply commission on each product under Products->Catalog->Edit->Prices.
- Seller Category Commission– The admin can apply the commission to categories of a particular seller. For this, the admin has to navigate through Customers->All Customers->Edit-> Category Commission.
- Commission on Seller– The admin can apply different commission to different sellers. For this, the admin has to navigate through Customers->All Customers->Edit->Commission.
- Commission Rules– When the admin does not want to apply commission to either product or category then he can make a commission rule in which commission will be applied according to the product price range. Admin can add the commission rules under Marketplace Management->Manage Commission Rules.
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