It is very easy to convert the product’s price currency in Webkul Store.
Converting the Webkul Store Currency
You can convert the Webkul Store currency by simply changing the store view from USD to INR.
On clicking the change store view icon, you will get two store view option. Click on the required one to change the store currency.
- INR- Indian Rupee
- USD-US Dollar
Converting the currency while paying for Customization
You can also change the currency of the customization charge while paying for the customization from the customization link –
After filling in the customization detail at the link. You will go to the checkout page where you will get an option for changing the currency of the customization cost.
Click on the Switch currency icon to switch the currency. The currency can be changed into one of the two available options.
- INR- Indian Rupee
- USD-US Dollar
Please do contact us for any further queries or requirements.
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