This article describes the new feature of Magento 2 Marketplace ie; Magento 2 Marketplace Notifications.
Notifications are alerts. They are sent to you when an important event takes place that involves you or your activity on the site. The purposes of this new feature are:
- learn what just happened(who, what, where, when, why, and /or how)?
- go to the page where the event took place, so you can check it out for yourself.
- take quick action, if you want to.
Similarly, the advanced notification feature of Magento 2 Marketplace enables the admin to view notification count for seller requests, add/edit seller products, and feedback reviews.
Also, the seller can view the notification count for product approval, new orders, and new transactions.
Now get to know more about its usage.
After the successful installation of the marketplace module, the admin will be able to view the marketplace configuration setting Store>Configuration>Marketplace.
Under seller order’s settings, when order approval required option to set as ‘Yes, the admin has to approve each order manually. And only after that seller will get notified about the order.
If set ‘No’, an order notification will automatically be sent to the seller.
When the admin approves an order, the seller will receive a notification. Then the seller will be able to manage and view the order from his seller’s panel.
From here, the seller can view the notification count for product approval, new orders placed, and new transactions.
The seller can even click the notification bell icon to get a quick view of the new notifications for products, transactions, and orders.
If the user has notifications which they haven’t seen, the small red badge over the notification bell icon will appear. This red badge also shows the number of such ‘unseen’ notifications.
After successful setup of the marketplace. Module admin will be able to see ‘Marketplace Management’ as per the below screen.
The admin can view the notification count for new seller requests, edit seller products, and new feedback.
These notifications give the user a shortlist of the most recent and relevant events.
The admin can even click the notification bell icon to get a quick view of the notifications for the product, sellers, and feedback. Please refer to the screenshot below:
This new feature is:
- helpful as it displays a shortlist of most recent activities
- display messages with the concise matter
- display disambiguate messages
- persistent- stays on until you click
- display event day, date, and time.
That’s all for Magento 2 Marketplace Notifications still have any issues feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better contact us.
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