Magento 2 DAM ( Ecommerce Digital Asset Management) – Magento 2 is a perfect choice for e-commerce needs. Online retailers can start any kind of webshops or mobile app in Magento 2.
As e-commerce is growing day by day, product data is something that is growing day by day as well.
Magento 2 PIM Integration
Managing the product data in e-commerce or e-commerce related marketing data ( eCommerce MDM ) is a big pain for online shops at the moment.
There are a couple of PIM ( product information management ) Solutions Like Akeneo, UnoPIM and PIMCORE that offer the PIM software.
We are the largest akeneo module developer in the world at the moment from Magento 2 to Shopify we have built various connectors for Akeneo PIM.
Magento 2 Digital Asset Management
Well before starting Ecommerce DAM and Magento 2 Integration, What is a DAM?
DAM or digital assets are any documents like Images, PDF, doc files, videos, etc. Those assets play a very major role in any E-commerce or CMS website.
Magento 2 is by far the most popular e-commerce platform in the world at the moment. Also, Magento 2 is quite suitable for large catalog stores.
Imagine you are running an online marketplace with more than 5 million products those products will have images as well.
Suppose in minimum case every product will have 5 images so 5*5 = 25 million images.
Also if you are running a Magento 2 mobile app or Magento 2 Multi merchant app in both cases you need to have resized version of images for the apps.
So you can imagine for online e-commerce or marketplace “50 million images” are quite OK.
Well, but serving those 50 million images is very hard. Until you are not using some kind of DAM system.
Why the DAM is required?
This is the most basic question every online retailer asks “Why and When” to use DAM?
- Data management – In an e-commerce platform like Magento 2 Data protection and management are highly required. So that your product data should always be available and must not be lost.
- Data Duplication – This is the most common problem with the huge amount of product data. Using the right DAM software can be reduced.
- Data Centralisation – This is critical as your PIM software will be responsible for all the data management from Mobile app to Magento 2 POS to Multichannel Integration.
- Speed Optimisation – Integration with the right CDN and Amazon s3 will boost the performance of static content a lot.
There are tons of such examples available for the right DAM application.
For those looking for an open source DAM solution, you can check out UnoPIM.
Webkul Akeneo DAM provides End to End Integration with Magento 2 Akeneo Connector.
That’s all for Adobe Commerce DAM ( Digital Asset Management ) still have any issues feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better contact us.
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