Ecommerce marketplace Site Best SEO Tips – SEO is changing in 2018 traditional methods of search engine optimization don’t work nowadays.
In this blog post, I will try to Explain the best SEO tips for online marketplaces. Marketplaces are different from Ecommerce websites.
Bounce Rate
This is something super important. Even if someone asks me what is the single most advice for e-commerce marketplaces then my answer for them is “Reduce bounce rate”.
The reason is simple, Google crawlers are super smart. And trust me if your real users are investing a good amount of time on your pages then for sure your rank will go up.
There is seriously no rocket science for the same “Build the site structure or webpage for the users not for the web crawlers”
Google already provides the complete information at
For sure in the e-commerce marketplace merchants must reduce the bounce rate. It can be tracked easily in popular analytics tools like Google Analytics, as per the screenshot. I just attached a blog image but you can easily check the same for your store as well.
Most of the popular eCommerce platforms like Magento or Opencart already provide the google analytics integration.
Also if you want to use third-party analytics tools like Piwik/matomo as well
Site Speed
Many SEO gurus will differ from this. But trust me this is something really important. It also reduces the bounce rate as well.
Why does marketplace website speed matter that much?
Well, this is simple. Let’s take an example of standard user behavior. Suppose you are running your online marketplace built on Magento 2 or Opencart.
Now let’s say the user searches a query and under SERP Result tons of pages will appear. A regular habit is that people will open a couple of links in the tab.
Suppose your website is not loading in that case for the sure user will close the tab. That’s why it is super important to have less TTFB ( time to load the first byte)
Also, your site must provide support to various cache handlers like varnish which is super useful to reduce TTFB
Mobile webSite Speed
loads of customers are browsing the marketplace site or app on their mobile phones. So your site must have super fast speed in mobile.
Google recently introduced Progressive web apps( PWA ) and Accelerated mobile pages ( AMP )
Using those technologies marketplace merchants can reduce the bounce rate of the site. As per google suggestion SPEED IS NOW A SEO RANKING FACTOR
That’s all for the eCommerce marketplace Site Best SEO Tips still have any issues feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better contact us.
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