MeiMall Romanian E-commerce Marketplace

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MeiMall is an online store where you can find a wide and varied range of products from shoes and clothing to electronics and home products. MeiMall is a Romania-based e-commerce company founded in 2018.

They want to offer their customers high-quality products at unbeatable prices. Like Women’s Clothing, Women’s Shoes, Men’s Shoes, Electronic Items, and Home Products.

Understanding Requirments

Initially, Mihai wanted to convert her Online shopping store into a Marketplace site from where sellers can add and manage their products.

She has purchased our Prestashop Marketplace module from our Prestashop extensions store after seeing the complete workflow of the module through the User Guide that we also provide on the product page.

After Purchasing our Advanced Marketplace module client wanted to launch their running Marketplace site as a Mobile application so she has purchased our PrestaShop Marketplace Mobile App module in which Sellers can easily go through their dashboard, and order history and can manage their products and orders.

Buyers can also purchase seller products using the default functionalities of PrestaShop and can even contact sellers easily.

Later Mihai purchased a few more modules from our Store as listed below-

  • Prestashop Marketplace Seller Shipping module.
  • Prestashop Marketplace Seller-wise checkout.
  • Prestashop One Page Checkout.

Meanwhile, she was getting some minor issues in one of our modules and we resolved it in a quick interval of time.  Now, she is successfully running her website with our modules.

I would advise you all to visit once her online fashion shopping website: and make a purchase.

You can also visit their MeiMall Facebook page and can follow them for updates.

Disclaimer – Please note all the images and content used in this article belongs to their respective copyright owners. If you have any issues or complaints related to this article, please send us an email at [email protected]

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