International Trade Centre

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How Webkul Products are Holding a Global Impact on eCommerce!

ITC’s mission is to foster inclusive and sustainable economic development and contribute to achieving the United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development.

Mohamed Es Fih

Geneva Area, Switzerland

Our client Mohamed Es Fih came to the Webkul office in Noida. We were honoured by his presence as he talked about his work, and how he is helping the community, and shared his experience on how Webkul products and our team’s efforts helped him to accomplish goals.

We asked a series of questions from him, as follows:

 What purpose is your business, product, the organization is solving?

We are a United Nations agency called the International Trade Centre here is our mission: ITC Mission ITC’s mission is to foster inclusive and sustainable economic development and contribute to achieving the United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development. ITC works towards creating ‘trade impact for good’.

Who is your role model for your business, product, or organization and how did you get inspired?

My role model is Elon Musk and the inspiration is that- a conviction about a pioneer idea can survive criticism and lack of sight of even the world references to a given industry like space exploration for instance.

What were the challenges you faced while setting up your business?

The main challenge is the struggle with the old mindset of decision makers who have a hard time to cope or understand the new digital revolution which is based on disruption and decentralization.

Versus their former model of reference which was based on repetition of what has been done and centralization of data and decision making would say that this is the challenge of this century we are in from the industrial model (vertical and sequential linear approach) to the chaos based paradigm (ever evolving and challenging status-quo on a permanent basis).

Any advice to the users who are running a similar business as yours?

For any project, always allow twice the development time as planned as there are always new things to test and debug, especially when using open source or DIY approaches to set up a business.

How did this Business Idea clicked in your mind?

When I am involved in the design, the business idea comes from my observation of the new available technical/digital solutions which allows a given job to be done more efficiently and managed online.

And then I check if this new tool and related service/product offer can find demand/need in the market, and that’s how I validate the business idea and launch a prototype to verify the business potential.

How is Webkul helping you in setting up your Online store?

The best part was Webkul Capacity to offer a high degree of customizations to the existing modules. So using the existing modules allows us to test an idea quickly and effectively and then customization allows us to optimize and adapt Webkul modules to our business model.

I am very satisfied in general terms for both support and quality of development.

I liked the assigned Manager, it was Ravi, who allocated dedicated daily chats during critical periods of the project, I think this is important and great added value.

What do you do for the Business Promotion(Online and Offline)

We use the offline network of partners mixed with attendence to physical events and small pay per click campaigns and the rest of efforts are put in content creation and SEO optimization.

How you manage your team, also what is the team size?

It’s a small team 5 people we have an internal form of CRM/management system.


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