WooCommerce Marketplace Tier Based Pricing

The WooCommerce Marketplace Tier-Based Pricing plugin allows the sellers and admin to add tier pricing to the products.

This tier pricing plugin helps the customer to get a discount on bulk purchases of products. Using this plugin the sellers can set the tiered pricing discount rule for their products.

The admin can add two different types of discount rules for tier pricing as – “Global Rules” and “Product Rules”.

  • The seller can not add global price rules, only the admin can create and apply the added rules to the product.
  • The Marketplace Tier Based Pricing for WooCommerce plugin is an add-on to the WordPress WooCommerce Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin. Therefore, you must install the WordPress WooCommerce Multi-Vendor Marketplace Plugin in the first place.
  • This module is now compatible with WooCommerce’s new High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) feature.

Now, the admin needs to give inputs for the below fields as required.

WooCommerce Tier Based Pricing: To enable the tier-based pricing the admin needs to click on the checkbox. Else leave it as it is to disable it.

Show Tiered price in cart as a discount: To show the tiered price over the front end in the shopping cart discount table the admin can click the checkbox.click

Sort by Quantity: Using this field the admin can set the product’s tiered pricing discount table Sorting based on the quantity of the product i.e. from Low to High or High to Low.

Marketplace Menu Endpoint Title: The input text of this field Marketplace Menu Endpoint Title will appear as the title of the tier-based pricing on the seller dashboard.

To add the product rule for tier pricing the admin can go to the Tier Based Pricing > Product Rules.


Simply, click on the Add rule button.


The admin can search for a product from the search box and select a product from the visible suggestion. Further, specify the following inputs for the product rule.

Rule Name: The admin can give a rule name for the product rule.

Quantity From: Enter, the quantity from which the discount will be applied.

Quantity To: Enter, the quantity to which the discount will be applied.

User Roles: By clicking on the drop-down menu and selecting the users, only these users will get the discount offered on the product.

Discount Type: The admin needs to select the discount type i.e Fixed or Percentage as per requirements.

Discount Amount: The admin can enter a required discount amount to be offered.

Status: The admin can enable/disable the status of the particular product rule.

Similarly, the admin can Edit an added product rule. Simply by clicking the Edit button and can alter the sections as required or add more tiers in the pricing.


These Global Rules will apply on their own to all those products for which no Product rules have been created and enabled for them.


The admin can also restrict the products while creating of global rule.

After logging in successfully to the seller dashboard the seller can go to the Tier Based Pricing > Product Rules.

Further, the seller can delete the added product rules in bulk by clicking on the Delete icon. Moreover, to add simply click on the Add icon.


The seller can add a product rule same as the admin by adding rows with inputs such as quantity from -to, discount type, rule name, and the discount amount, last, enable and click Save.

The seller can also click on the edit icon and choose to edit any added product rule as shown below.


The customer can check the tier-based pricing on the product page. Further, click Add to Cart after selecting the quantity of the product.


As a result, the customer can see the discounted price on the cart page as applicable on the purchase based on the product quantity.


That’s all about the WooCommerce Marketplace Tier-Based Pricing. For any further queries and suggestions please add a ticket to the HelpDesk System.

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