Why incorporate Marketplace Instagram Shop Feeds Plugin for WooCommerce?
Facilitate the vendor of your store to display the Instagram images of the products on these pages. like the dedicated, Shop, and Product. Although this module is very useful for promotional purpose.
Since this module allows the buyer to view the images of the products uploaded by its users on Instagram.
Multi-Vendor Instagram Shop Feeds for WooCommerce will allow the store owner as well as the vendor to do marketing by using the Instagram post of the product user.
Also, the vendor can add the Instagram Shop feed on the Dedicated page, Shop page and Product Page.
Here shop feeds are nothing but the Instagram images of the products which are Uploaded by the product users or buyers.
Using these images, the buyer can view the actual image of the product and this helps in building the trust of the buyer for the product.
Overview – Marketplace Instagram Shop Feeds
The store owner as well as the vendor can do marketing by using the Instagram post of the product user. Which is quite famous these days as social-integration, in brief, it deals with incorporating e-commerce store. With social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook.
Further, connecting with these and enhancing sales conversion rates leveraging the huge number of users of these social platforms is also called these days social-commerce.
Also, the vendor can add the Instagram Shop feed on the Dedicated page, like the Shop page and Product Page.
Here shop feeds are nothing but the Instagram images of the products. Which are uploaded by the product users and because of these images, the buyer can see the original image of the product.
- This module is an add-on to the WordPress WooCommerce Multi-Vendor Marketplace, before using this module you first need to install WordPress WooCommerce Multi-Vendor Marketplace.
What are Hashtags & How the Vendors can use these?
The seller can create hashtags and give suitable required names to these. Select the visibility of the hashtag on the shop page, product page, and dedicated page.
The seller can select the products that he/she wants to link to the hashtag. If in case no longer required the seller can also disable any of the previously created hashtags.
Some Remarkable Benefits of Module
- The admin can create Hashtags and can assign products to them.
- The admin can fetch all the images which have used that hashtag on Instagram.
- This module allows the admin to configure the view for the Instagram feeds as Carousel and List.
- This module allows the admin to select the images from that particular hashtag images that he wants to use for the marketing of the product.
- The seller can also create the hashtags and can assign products to them.
- The seller can fetch the images of a particular Hashtag and can use the selected images as the Instagram shop Feed.
- Add to cart button is available on the hashtag pop-up for the products linked to the particular Instagram Feeds.
- The customer can view the Instagram Feeds on the Shop Page, Dedicated Page, and Product Page.
- The customer can click on the Product image available next to the Feeds image to get redirected to that Product Page.
- This module is responsive i.e. it is compatible with all screen sizes (Mobile Screen, Tablet Screen, and Desktop Screen).
A Dedicated Page For Instagram Shop Feeds
The most prominent feature the customer is attracted to buy when they can see all the Instagram feeds on the dedicated page.
Moreover, the page helps customer view product pop-ups that appear based on the hashtags selected and produced featured.
Responsive Design of our Instagram Shop Feeds Plugin
A responsive design uses CSS & HTML to make your page looks good on any of the types of devices which enhances the complete user experience.
Web pages can be viewed using many different devices: desktops, tablets, and phones. Your web page should look good, and be easy to use, regardless of the device.
An ideal design is in which the web pages should not leave out information to fit smaller devices. Rather adapt their content to fit any device.
This module facilitates the seller to display the Instagram images of the products on these pages: Dedicated, Shop, and Product.
Although this module is very useful for promotional purpose. Since this module allows the buyer to view the images of the products uploaded by its users on Instagram.
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