Prestashop Marketplace Seller Wise Checkout- Sometimes buyer add many products from different sellers in single cart but at that time want to purchase the products from single seller only. At this moment buyer also want to allow other products from other sellers to stay there in cart, for later purchase rather than deleting them from the cart or adding them to Wishlist.
With our marketplace seller wise checkout module admin can provide seller wise checkout to buyers to help them to purchase the products from single seller at that instant and save other seller products in the cart itself for later purchase.
Note : This module is an add-on for Marketplace Module.
To use this module, you first have to install Prestashop Advanced Multi Vendor Marketplace
- Admin can provide seller wise checkout to buyers
- Buyers can buy different seller products separately.
- Buyer will not loose selected cart even after buying single seller product.
- Buyer will be redirected to cart summary page of the selected seller.
- Buyer can visit the seller collection page directly from the cart.
- If buyer click on the whole cart at once to checkout, then they will be redirected to the cart summary page of the first seller in the list.
- If buyer click on the proceed to checkout from the selected product popup, then they will be redirected to the checkout page of the seller of the selected product.