Prestashop Marketplace Seller Shipping :-This is an advanced shipping module for Prestashop Marketplace. Using this module, seller can completely manage the shipping. Seller can create new shipping methods and can also set one’s own shipping rate. Admin can set either auto or manual approval of seller shipping methods. Now seller can specify their shipping method transit time in multi-language.
Note : This module is an add-on for Marketplace Module. To use this module, you first have to install Prestashop Advanced Multi Vendor Marketplace
- Seller can create shipping methods.
- Seller can add their own shipping charges.
- Created shipping methods has to be approved by admin.
- Seller can give basic price for each continent.
- Seller can add handling cost to the shipping methods.
- Seller can create free shipping methods.
- Seller can add impact price based on zones-country-state.
- Seller can assign a unique shipping method to the products being added.
- In case seller does not assign any shipping method to products, then by default the available shipping method is assigned to product.
- Buyers will have the opportunity to choose from the available shipping methods.
- Admin can assign own shipping methods to all the admin’s products at once.
- Admin can assign own shipping methods to all the seller products.
- Seller can set the default shipping method for newly added products.
- Now seller can add shipping transit time in multi-language.
- Admin can also add seller shipping methods with multi-language transit time.
- Admin can enable/disable the manual approval of seller shipping methods.
- Admin can select whether to send the mail to seller when seller shipping method is approved by admin or not.
- Admin can select whether to receive the mail whenever seller shipping method is created.
- Admin as well as seller can apply tax on the shipping rates.
- Admin as well as seller can select “Out of range behaviour” either as “apply the highest shipping cost” or “disable the carrier”.
- Admin can enable/disable shipping distribution.
- Admin can decide either shipping will distribute between seller and admin both or only to seller. Given admin and sellers product are in a single cart.
- admin can select “shipping distribute to” seller or admin at the back office under shipping tab.
- Admin can also view the seller shipping for every seller separately under “Manage seller order” page.