Do you wish to provide an additional feature to the sellers of your marketplace where they can generate request for settlement of dues whenever they need? If yes, then marketplace seller payment request is the addon you would want to integrate into your store. It allows sellers of the marketplace to place request for settlement of dues from admin.
To install Prestashop Marketplace Seller Payment Request, you need to install Prestashop Advanced Multi Vendor Marketplace first.
- Sellers can request settlement of their due amount from the admin.
- Admin can either settle or decline the payment request placed by the seller.
- An admin & seller both can check the status of requests.
- Admin can set the maximum amount allowed for withdrawal by the seller in a single request.
- The admin can set the lock-in amount necessary for sellers to keep with admin.
- Admin can set lock-in period after which sellers can request for settlement of another due amount.
Module allows sellers to request for settlement of their dues. Process to place request for settlement of dues from admin is explained hereinbelow.
Sellers can place a new request by clicking on ‘Add New Payment Request’.
Sellers can enter the amount that he/she may wish to withdraw from the admin.
View pending requests of sellers under ‘Seller Payment Request’ tab.
Admin can enter details of payment method & transaction ID to approve the request.
Sellers can also track the status of their generated requests.
Providing features like seller payment request helps to build trust among sellers and a sense of assurance that they can request for settlement any time.