Opencart Marketplace Product Quote System allow the customer to send quotation to the sellers and admin. Under this module, a seller can see the customer’s quotation and approve or disapprove it. Customer and seller can also add messages with the quotation. Sellers can enable quotation on their product. After approval, a customer can purchase the product on the quoted price. An alert email is sent to customer, admin, and seller if any changes are made in the quotation. This is an add-on of Opencart Marketplace module. You need to install Webkul Opencart Marketplace first to install the Opencart Marketplace Product Quote System.
Features of Opencart Marketplace Product Quote System
- Sellers can enable the quote system for their products.
- The customer can enter price and quantity while making the quotation.
- A customer can order seller’s product in bulk with the quoted price.
- Buyer can see bulk product order and price.
- Sellers can see the quotation of buyers.
- Sellers can approve or decline the quotation request.
- Sellers can add messages while approving or disapproving the quotation.
- Admin can see all the quotation and responses of sellers.
- When a customer will quote for a product admin and seller will get notified.
- When any seller will approve the quotation email will be sent to the customer.
- Admin and seller will receive an email if a customer changes the quotation.
- Admin has complete access.
- The quote can be enabled on the admin’s product.
- Admin can enable quote on seller’s product.
- The admin has the option to enable quote system on all products or selected products.