Opencart Marketplace Hyperlocal System connects the customers with local stores and also transforming the shopping experience of the customers. This module is very beneficial for both sellers and buyers. The Seller can easily add the location where they can ship their products. Customers can enter their location and check the available products and sellers in that location. This module allows delivering seamless services on time. Sellers and admin can add their location according to which their products are displayed to the customer. The seller and admin can also add shipping rate according to the location range. You have to install Webkul Opencart Marketplace first to use this module.
Features of Opencart Marketplace Hyperlocal System
- Allows to deliver seamless services on time.
- The customer can enter their location and buy products from nearest seller’s store.
- The customer can also change their location.
- The customer can check seller’s availability in their location.
- The customer can check product’s availability in their location.
- The seller can add multiple locations.
- The seller can add Hyperlocal flat rate shipping.
- The seller can add shipping price using CSV file.
- Admin can also add multiple locations.
- Admin can add shipping on behalf of sellers using a CSV file.
- Admin can add radius unit and range which will be used to search the seller from customer’s location.
- If the customer does not select his location then his location will be the location that is set by the admin.