Opencart Marketplace Advanced Custom Shipping: Opencart Marketplace Advanced Custom Shipping module will allow the marketplace sellers and the admin to add custom shipping to their products. Now the sellers and the admin can add their charge list and the formula list to generate the shipping cost for shipping their products.
This module calculates shipping based on Quantity, Price(with or without tax), Zip Code(country-wise), Volume(according to the products volume), Weight, Per Item, and Flat Rate.
This module is an add-on of the Webkul Opencart Marketplace module. To use this module you must have first installed the Opencart Marketplace.
Features of Marketplace Advanced Custom Shipping:
- Sellers can Add/Edit and Delete their own Charge list.
- Sellers can add their own Combinational Formula.
- Sellers can upload Postal Code, Price, Quantity, Weight, & Weight values in the range table.
- Sellers can select uploaded CSV type as Fixed or Range.
- Sellers can also add values for Fixed table entries.
- The admin can select the Categories that will be Available for the sellers for Creating the Charges.
- The admin can select the Seller Allowed Rules that will be Available for the marketplace sellers.
- The admin can Add/Edit and Delete their own Charge list.
- The admin can Approve/Disapprove the Charge list and Formula List of any marketplace seller.
- The admin can Add/Edit the charge list for the marketplace sellers as well.
- The admin can upload Postal Code, Price, Quantity, Weight, & Weight values in the range table for himself and the marketplace sellers via CSV.