Odoo Marketplace Other Products by Seller On Product Page: Odoo Marketplace Other Products by Seller On Product Page is a module which shows other products of a seller on the product page. Suggest more popular products of sellers to your customers (upsell strategy). By default, the popular products will be shown on the basis of the number of products sales of the seller. With the help of Odoo Marketplace Product Suggestion, you can develop a brilliant approach to increase the chances of up-selling and cross-selling which will boost your revenue from an impulse purchase.
- This module shows other products of the seller on the product page.
- Admin can enable/disable the seller popular products view from the product page.
- Suggest seller’s popular products to your customers which will result in increased sales.
- Admin can add popular products for each product of marketplace in product view.
- A seller can add popular products to their own product of marketplace in product view.
- If popular products are not added, then popular products will be shown on the basis of the number of products sales of the seller.
- Shows carousel view for a popular product.