Odoo Marketplace Hyperlocal System

Small and medium-sized local businesses often lag behind because they don’t have the online exposure that large firms have. Now, they are able to flourish because they are provided with a cost-effective platform to establish their presence online. This is just one problem that hyperlocal online marketplaces are helping to solve. Therefore considering this in mind we have launched Odoo Marketplace Hyperlocal System which is an impressive application which connects the customers with local stores and also transforms the shopping experience of the customers.

  • The customer can enter the desired location and buy products from nearest seller’s store.
  •  The customer has the flexibility to change his/her location
  •  The customer can check seller’s availability for their location.
  •  The customer can check product’s availability in their location
  •  An amazing feature which adds an automatic filter on customer’s address as per selected location during checkout.
  •  Restriction on the shipping address, the customer can only use an address which belongs to the selected location.
  •  The existing cart will be empty in case of new location.
  •  Allows delivering seamless services on time.
  •  The seller can add multiple locations to sell his/her products.
  •  The seller can add Hyperlocal table rate shipping.
  •  The seller has the flexibility to add shipping price using CSV file.
  •  Admin can also add multiple locations.
  •  Admin can add shipping on behalf of sellers using a CSV file.
  •  Admin can add radius unit and range which will be used to search the seller from customer’s location.
  •  If the customer does not select his location then his location will be the location that is set by the admin.
  •  Provide an additional hyperlocal shipping method.

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