Odoo Marketplace Advertisement Manager

Odoo Marketplace Advertisement Manager: Odoo Marketplace Advertisement Manager is a module by which Sellers of Marketplace can promote and advertise their products by purchasing the ad block positions given in the website according to their availability of date. Our main motive is to help you in maintaining your business profitable and after deep analysis, we have launched this module by which you can earn money be allocating space on your website for advertisement to your sellers and customers.

Note: This module is dependent on Odoo Website Advertisement Manager & Odoo Multi-Vendor Marketplace in order to use “Odoo Marketplace Advertisement Manager” you need to purchase these two modules also.

  • Admin provides panels to seller located at different positions of the website where they can place their products for advertisement.
  • Admin can set price per day for every advertisement position.
  • Sellers and customers can purchase the advertisement display positions according to the availability.
  • A date range can be selected for which advertisement will be displayed and make payment accordingly.
  • Customers can only add Banners on the advertisement position booked.
  • Sellers can add Products and banner as per their choice on the advertisement position booked.
  • Sellers can add only their own products of the marketplace in the product carousel.
  • Admin can add any product in the product carousel.
  • Admin can view all the advertisement orders at one place.
  • Admin can select the maximum number of products to be shown the product carousel according to ad block position.
  • Admin can configure whether to allow/disallow product carousel for each position from the backend.
  • Admin can configure the auto-approval settings for the products and banner added in the block content.
  • Admin can publish/unpublish the advertisements displayed on the website.
  • Admin can view the list of customers and sellers who have purchased the advertisement blocks.
  • Admin can approve/deny or delete the advertisement products added by the sellers.
  • A mail will be sent to the customer and seller on the approval of block content.

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