Marketplace Seller Membership Plugin for WooCommerce can allow admin to add a restriction to the seller on parameters like- Time, and Product addition on Marketplace. The admin can here create multiple memberships types.
The seller can easily subscribe to the membership and become a part of the marketplace. This is done majorly where the marketplace is large and multiple sellers wish to get connected to the marketplace.
Now, you can increase the usability of the module we can integrate Marketplace Buyer Seller Chat for WordPress WooCommerce and Admin Buyer Chat for WordPress WooCommerce. This could build in a better communication channel for a much successful marketplace.
Through this method, the store owner can acquire monetary benefits. The small scale seller can get a wide spectrum to built a good business.
Utility Of The Module
- Reduction of Risk- The small-scale retailers remains safe as they don’t have to establish a complete independent store. Rather they can be a small part of a big store or marketplace. This will save them from have a loss.
- Regular Income To Store Owner- The admin can enhance their business with the income incurred by the membership. They can invest money in making the store or website more advanced to get more sellers in the marketplace.
- Social Visibility- Being a part of such a big marketplace can make the seller visible socially which would otherwise be a bit tedious task.
- Variety To Customer- The customer can shop from multiple products from the marketplace. As we have membership attached to the marketplace than the seller here will be of a standardize level with a much better quality product.
In the module, the seller can purchase any sort of membership like a normal product purchase and check the same in ‘Activated Plan‘ section.
This will allow an easy process of the membership of the seller in the marketplace. Thus, help in expanding the complete marketplace.
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