Marketplace Question Answer for Magento 2 allows the buyer to ask questions to the seller regarding their products and Seller can respond to that question. Admin will manage all the questions and answers. Buyer can like or dislike the answers. This module allows admin to participate in clearing the doubts of the customer as well. Buyer can like or dislike all the responds. This module is an add-on of Webkul Magento 2 Marketplace Module. To use this module you must have installed Webkul Magento 2 Marketplace Module.
Features of Marketplace Question Answer For Magento 2
- Buyer can ask the question for the seller’s and admin’s product.
- The seller can respond to that question.
- Admin will manage all the questions and answers.
- Admin can delete any question and answer.
- Buyer can like or dislike answers.
- Admin can also respond to questions.
- Admin can manage it very easily and very fast.