Magento 2 Multi Vendor Sell As Brand – In the current trend, customers are looking for brands to shop online. Now, customers have become brand-centric. They always prefer branding over not-branded products. So, following the trends, now it is time to step forward and sell branded products online.
Magento 2 Multi-Vendor Sell As Brand allows the store owner to create the brand and allow the sellers to request for the brand approval from the admin.
This helps the marketplace owner and the sellers to generate more sales and increase the conversion rate.
Note: This module is an add-on of Webkul’s Marketplace Module. To use this module you must have installed Webkul’s Magento 2 Marketplace first.
Why use Magento 2 Multi Vendor Sell As Brand –
The trend has been changed. Customers are now moving towards branding. People buy products that are from the brands, so it is time to sell branded products online. It will help the admin to create and manage the brand.
This module also allows the seller to request to sell as a brand by requesting from the admin. Thus, the admin can accept or reject the request of the seller as per their needs.
It will help the store owner and the seller to grab the attention of the customers and generate more revenue by converting the online visitors into the buyer.
Benefits –
- The admin can allow the Sell as a brand feature for the sellers.
- Admin can create and manage the brand from the admin panel easily.
- The seller can request to sell as a brand from the admin.
- Approved brands are displayed under the seller’s profile page.
- All the brands are displayed under the brand category page.
- Helps to generate more revenue and convert online visitors into the buyers.
Manage the Functionality of the Module –
The admin can manage the module from the admin panel easily. The admin can navigate to the “Marketplace Sell As A Brand” menu under the configuration setting.
Here, the admin can also enable the “Sell As A Brand” option for the seller. Enter the product hint for the seller and manage the email templates as well.
Add New Brad in Magento 2 Multi Vendor Sell As Brand –
The admin can navigate to the Brands>Add New Brand to create and manage the brand.
The admin can fill the required details to create a new brand and upload the image as well.
Furthermore, the admin can upload a brand logo and the brand cover as well.
Brand Request in Magento 2 Multi Vendor Sell As Brand-
Moreover, under the brand request, the admin can view all the receive request from the seller. The admin can approve or reject the request.
Brand Setting –
Admin can manage the brand setting and configure the module accordingly.
Furthermore, the admin can manage the other settings under the category and product page.
Moreover, under the Brand Showcase Page, the admin can manage the other available options.
The admin can also manage and configure the Individual Brand Page with the available options.
Seller End Management –
The admin can also enable the “Sell As A Brand” for the sellers. If enabled, the seller can request the admin to approve to “Sell As A Brand.”
The seller can click on the “Brand” menu under the seller dashboard. Here, the seller can manage the Brand Request and General Setting.
By clicking on the “Request Brand,” a new page will be open. Here, the admin can fill the required details and click on the “Send Brand Request.”
After the approval of the brand, the seller can view the list of the all approved brand.
This is how a seller’s profile will look after approval of a brand –
That’s all for the Magento 2 Marketplace Sell as a Brand extension. If you face any issue, feel free to add a ticket at