Magento Marketplace Multi Shipping – Shipping according to the seller in marketplace module is a much-needed feature for the buyers and sellers that’s why we created an add-on for seller allowed this shipping methods and buyer can select different shipping service from the different seller in the same order.
Magento Marketplace Multi Shipping module is an add-on of Marketplace Module and our shipping modules. To use this module, you must have installed first WebKul Marketplace Module and, at least, any one of our shipping modules from following module list:-
- Magento MarketPlace Table rate Shipping.
- Marketplace Fixed Rate Shipping.
- Magento Marketplace USPS Shipping Management.
- Magento Marketplace UPS Shipping Management.
- Magento Marketplace Canada Post Shipping.
- Magento Marketplace Fastway Shipping.
- Magento Marketplace Correios Shipping.
- Magento Marketplace DHL Shipping
- Magento Marketplace The Courier Guy Shipping
- Seller can allow their shipping services from his panel.
- Buyer can select shipping according to the seller in the same order.
- Admin will have to install the shipping addon from above list to manage to ship from vendor panel.
- The Seller can choose shipping channel which they want to display at checkout. So that shipping will be based on per seller / vendor instead of the whole cart.
- This addon will enable the shipping selection and fright calculation at the vendor level.