Magento Marketplace DHL Shipping module provides DHL Shipping service for shipping the products in worldwide. This shipping method is most trusted shipping method in terms of cost, product delivery and now it is available with the Webkul Magento Marketplace.
Magento Marketplace DHL Shipping module is an add-on of Magento MarketPlace Module. To use this module, you must have installed Magento marketplace module.
- Admin can enable or disable Webkul Marketplace DHL Shipping method.
- Admin can set the DHL shipping method name that will display on the checkout page.
- The seller can download & print the DHL Shipping label.
- The seller can add the address, VAT, TAX information on the Invoice & Packing slip.
- Dynamic shipping method for freight calculation.
- Ability to download Invoice and Shipping Slip easily.
- The seller can add a custom logo for the DHL Shipping label.