Magento Marketplace Correios Shipping module provides Correios Shipping method for shipping the product. Magento Marketplace Correios shipping manages the Brazilian postal code system. Using this shipping module vendor / seller can manage their shipping and order from vendor panel print invoice, and can enter tracking ID, and complete shipping management from seller panel.
This module is an add-on of Marketplace Module. To use this module you must have installed first Webkul Marketplace module.
- Admin can enable/disable the module.
- Admin can set the Correios shipping method name that will be shown from the front side.
- Admin can also add delivery time from their end.
- Admin can set Handling fee as Fixed or Percentage.
- Seller can enter the tracking ID by which buyer can track their order.
- Seller can print Invoice of individual order.
- Ability to download Invoice and Shipping Slip easily.
- Seller can add Invoice & Packing slip address, VAT, TAX information.