Advance Booking QR Code for Magento 2 Multi-Vendor Marketplace is a website add-on that adds QR Code functionality to Magento 2 Rental Appointment Hotel Event Booking & Booking.
This module allows administrators and sellers to generate QR codes for Event Booking items. This is a Magento 2 module marketplace add-on for Advance Booking. When the order status is complete, the QR-Code will be available to both the seller and the customers. This module assists sellers in authenticating customers at the time of the event.
Please Note –
- This is an Add-on of Magento 2 Multi-Vendor Marketplace, you must have Multi-Vendor Marketplace extension install in the first place.
- This is an add-on to the Magento 2 Marketplace Advanced Booking System.
- One can purchase the event tickets with the help of the app- Magento 2 Booking App.
The QR-Code (Quick Response Code) is a matrix-form barcode that can be used in the Orders section. The event organiser will use the QR-code to identify the participant at the time of event entry. This is the type of authentication that event attendees will perform.
This will save time for the event planner or administrator because they will no longer have to enter any special order IDs or other special order details.
When the seller creates the invoice, the QR-code will be produced.
Why choose this Extension?
Marketplace Advanced Booking QR Code for Magento 2 allows the administrator to create event items such as food festivals, theatre shows, and other events for which multiple ticket types such as ebony, platinum, gold, and other custom options can be made. These products and tickets are generated using the E-Ticket product form, which allows the administrator to add event products in the same way as any other product.
It is important for business owners to keep an eye on current business trends and what their customers really want in terms of goods and services. This allows business owners to customise the features of their online stores.
The Event Management System is one of the most important features that business owners should incorporate. This functionality also allows users to add/include event items in their stores. What could be better than attracting customers from other locations to your store?
For example, a customer wants to purchase a ticket for a theatre performance and finds it on your website. The customer will book the tickets without hesitation, as this will eliminate the need for the customer to download applications or visit several websites for this purpose. As a result, event management is a blessing for any store owner, impacting sales and revenue generation by increasing customer interaction with the website and business relationships.
- The event products are create and manage by the admin under a different product category, such as E-Tickets.
- Multiple ticket types can be add to an event product using custom options.
- Even alerts for event expiration can be activate by the administrator.
- Increase customer interaction with the store.
- Also, store vendors have access to the seller desk, where they can build event items and ticket forms.
- The seller can send reminder notifications for a specific event to the buyers of that particular event.
- This way the sellers can convert their visitors to customers and thus develop healthy business relations.
- It may turn out to the beneficiary in terms of spreading product awareness amongst the customers.
- The customer can explore and find event tickets in a single store without having to go anywhere.
- The seller has the ability to give alert notices to the buyers of a specific case.
- The sellers would be able to turn their visitors into customers in this manner, resulting in the development of healthy business relationships.
- It may prove to be beneficial in terms of increasing customer awareness of the product.
- Without having to go somewhere else, the customer can explore and find event tickets in a single shop.
- The event product can be purchase in the same way as any other product.
- The customer’s event ticket can be validated with a quick QR code search.
- Customers can buy any form of the event ticket that has been made.
Event Registration By Seller
The seller can conveniently manage event bookings from the orders section of the seller’s backend. Seller can use the QR-Code in the Order Invoice. The seller must set the order’s status to full for the QR-Code to be available.
Verification Process
By clicking on Email Fare, the seller can send the ticket’s information to the customer via email, and by clicking on Download PDF, the seller can create a PDF for the ticket.
The administrator will search this QR-Code to obtain the necessary information.
Ticket Details
All relevant event information, such as the event name, terms and conditions, ticket sizes, quantity, and so on, will be available on the product page. The customer will only see the add to cart button after they’ve check the event’s terms and conditions.
Furthermore, the specifics of the event product are available in the customer’s account, under my tickets. The customer can find information such as the QR code, ticket code, quantity and status, location, ticket type, and so on while viewing the ticket details, which are also sent to the customer via email.
When a customer displays a print copy of the ticket or a screenshot of the email receipt, the seller scans the QR code as soon as they arrive at the case. The ticket status changes from Set Use to Validate when the QR code is check and a validated ticket cannot be a scan or use again.
That’s all for Advance Booking QR Code for Magento 2 Multi-Vendor Marketplace module. Still, have any issue please feel free to add a ticket at