WooCommerce Marketplace PayPal Commerce

WooCommerce  Marketplace Paypal Commerce is the exact place to land when you are searching for a feasible, secure, and quick payment method. It is the only payment method that is leading most of the top payment methods. 

PayPal is one of the most trusted payment methods worldwide, which allows its customers to transfer money online. And, it ensures the secure money transfer to the seller account.

The refunds have become easier. Multiple disbursement modes are available like instant and delayed. The payment gets split into the seller and the admin. Admin receives the commission based on the sellers.



Supports Split Cart Checkout

The module supports the split cart checkout method.  This means that whenever multiple seller’s products are add to the cart and the checkout proceeds, then only one seller’s product will be processed at a time. For the remaining payment, the customer can process the checkout again. This will make the checkout process easier as multiple order IDs will be generated. 

Integrate PayPal Commerce 

The integration of PayPal commerce is way easier. The store owner will experience a secure and verified payment gateway integration. For the integration of the PayPal Commerce into WooCommerce Marketplace Mobile App, paid customization work will be needed, contact sales.

Safe and Quick Checkout 

The PayPal account users are cherishing with one of the most secure payment methods. As it provides around 180 days of buyer protection. The customer can use the same account staying in multiple countries. Also, the customer can set the fingerprints to login to the account. PayPal gives a kind of confidence to the customers to shop without any worry. 

Accurate Refund Process  

The Refund process provided by this platform is very safe and fast. Further, the refund details are immediately send under PayPal’s account too. The same will be visible in the invoice and transaction details. 

Marketplace PayPal Commerce webkul-woocommerce-marketplace-paypal-commerece-refund-paypal-account

Seller Adds PayPal Commerce ID 

The seller needs to enter the PayPal details under the profile section. Moreover, the details include Paypal commerce ID and connection is a must with PayPal. Finally, the seller will be able to receive the payment using the Marketplace PayPal Commerce.

Marketplace PayPal Commerce

Disbursement Modes 

If the admin selects the disbursement mode as Instant then the payment will get transfer to the seller and the admin, just after placing the order.

Whereas, if the admin selects disbursement mode as Delayed then the payment will get hold at PayPal’s end. After that, the admin will release that amount and it will get transfer to the seller and the commission will get transfer to the admin account.


Moreover, if you still have any issues feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views at http://webkul.uvdesk.com/.

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